humility seems a tricky thing today
There are jokes, songs- "oh lord it's hard to be humble" by Mac Davis. a paradox; no brag just fact . Muhammad Ali. There are many books...
Health care or careless
Health care is unique to each individual ; regarding their circumstances and approach to health.... Perspective and process keep...
Real or Memorex
The newer version of this is, Is It Real or Is It Artificial Intelligence? Ask someone over age 60 what Memorex is..... There is no...
Saint or Sinner: A Lifetime of work
I am no judge and have had my moments. What constitutes sinner or saintly behavior or even the classification? Subject to interpretation...
Enough of me; what do you think of me?
This is a piece about self image, confidence and the bombardment of opinions about oneself , solicited and unsolicited. Embrace social...
Choose your ideal age
A June 27th, 2023, Wall Street Journal article entitled "Everyone in South Korea is about to get one or two years younger", written by...
Fill The Gaps
We All Have Gaps So , while consciously or subconsciously over the years , I’ve read and subscribed to four broad buckets of personal...
Good things don’t always come to those who wait
You’ve heard the saying that good things come to those who wait. Sometimes , I believe you have to go and get it. If you’re waiting for a...
Does Life Happen to You or Do you Happen to Life
Do you feel some days totally surprised by something, taken off guard and shocked that something didn’t cross your radar at all? I...
Visit another World ; Right in your own Backyard
It’s human nature to see all from our own lens of experience , knowledge , interactions , what we listen to , read , are exposed to in...
Drill with seasoned soldiers
Recently , I’ve been given the opportunity to meet, interact with , learn about and drill with seasoned soldiers. I’m grateful to begin...
Don’t wait for the funeral
I touched on this before , but I was reminded of it when a dear friend told me about a recent funeral service of his high school friend....
The Wonder and Perspective of Another
On my way back to my home state of Wisconsin for a dear friend’s funeral service : Every opportunity I get , I will make a trip to Holly...
While I was Sleeping
Have been hearing about and reading about Ted Lasso and his great show on Apple TV. I watched one episode on someone else’s apple tv...
“I spent 44 years studying retirement : then I retired”
This is the title of an article written by former professor David Ekerdt of sociology and gerontology at the University of Kansas in...
Sneeze heard round the world
So you could’ve knocked me over with a feather or a small gust , like a sneeze 18 months ago , a sneeze was no laughing matter. People...
From Cockpit to Coach
Like many , my wife and I remembered 911 in our own way, a solemn way , sad and prayerfully and with hope for the future. We also chose...
Savor the small stuff
In contrast to a long ago book about not sweating the small stuff by Richard Carlson , which is a very good read ; another very good...
Can you ponder your way to purpose
So many times young people , and older people alike , will tell me or I will overhear them say they are trying to figure out their...
Wired for Fight or Flight
It’s not that simple , but it strikes me to be a fundamental different mindset as one approaches life. It is not one or the other , but...
Empty Chair - Full Heart
As I mentioned , with gatherings now safe and back in force, the outdoor mass with the local church on a beautiful day is a good way to...
Most embarrassing moments - or are they ?
Was fortunate to recently reunite with some former colleagues of 15 to 20+ years ago . Unfortunately, it was a memorial service for one...
Why does anyone need a financial/life coach ?
While this has somewhat been covered in other blogs and the book , in my efforts to stay up to speed and pursue continuing education , I...
On the road again
Headed west to Montana for a wedding and some sightseeing. Was wondering about what to expect in airports and along the way , but mostly...
Gift of Choice
We’ve heard that life is a series of choices and , hopefully , we make more good ones than bad ones. Nice platitude and true. But , it...
Relaxation doesn’t just sail into your life when you retire
Whether you’re envisioning relaxing in retirement or living it right now, it occurs to me that one doesn’t beget the other necessarily ,...
The Consistent Inconsistencies around Covid
So , I am back at the gym (after walking many miles outside ) , but with distanced equipment, limited capacity , regular cleaning and my...
Spiritually Invested
This will not be a tome on how to invest in equities like Warren Buffett , as he and others have written the book on it , literally. This...
This world is not flat
Someone said that in books or blogs there may be approximately seven original ideas or themes and all else is a variation on that. After...
What’s true these days
I know for a fact that I am sitting here enjoying an early morning sunrise overlooking the backyard woods. The morning sun illuminating...
4 C’s of a life well lived
There are many elements to a life well planned and well lived. We have discussed a number of them in the blog , the book and the...
A visit to the emergency room
Like many , we intentionally avoided hospitals and healthcare providers and in fact many were closed to us in the beginning of the...
Drive out fear and inertia
Maybe we are creatures of habit and maybe we’re not. As you look back on the last six months of pandemic driven changes, protocol and...
Kindergarten Klosets
Many parents are adapting homes, routines and equipment to teach kids from home. I know this is a big shift for our five grandkids and...
Paint By Numbers
Not long ago , I took my first drawing class. I struggled , but as I kept at it, I surprised myself and realized , in concurrence with my...
Do you care about those folks you are seeing in zoom videos ? If so , what do you know about them ? What did you say? OK , so I’m not...
Our built in compass
I love how lots of people, nearly all the people , want to do the right thing for themselves , their families , communities and the...
There is a double meaning to this, both of which are relevant today. It is true that there has been no other time exactly as the time we...
So, maybe a little play on words but over the many years and conversations with clients and successful people this has been the case....
You may be working diligently on your big breakthrough, identifying it , making it happen. You may be wondering what you would do if...
My awe and respect for the dedication , sacrifices and courage of our military and their families grows with each interaction and day....
Optics to See More Clearly
While you may think of optics as the study of light, it’s not completely what I’m referring to here, although it could apply. No matter...
Observations from Pandemic Lockdown
So many thoughts, actions and conjecture, yet, we go back to basics. This thing is assaulting our freedoms and lifestyle yet, we are...
Life Should be Inconvenient
I have heard the word “inconvenient” used twice within a few minutes of each other recently from two very different sources....
Do People Know What You Stand For
Well, I usually tried to play my cards close to the vest, not ruffle feathers, tried to listen and respond, subtly moving a personal or...
Rebuilding Trust in a Pandemic
Do you find yourself knowing and following (or not) all of the local and federal guidelines about how to behave during this pandemic? As...